Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Berkshire Sings! event 25/3/09

FREE singing CPD day
March 25th 2009. The Spirit Conferencing Centre, Farnham Road, Slough.
9.30am to 3pm, then performances from 4.30pm – 6pm

March 25th is a day for teachers and other school staff, singing leaders, children and young people. This is a chance for your school to be part of the national ambition for singing! And to be in at the start of the two year Sing Up journey in this area. Not to be missed.

Singing is good for learners: it improves concentration, lifting standards across the curriculum
Singing is good for individuals, improving health and increasing feelings of well-being
Singing is good for communities – bringing people together in harmonious ways

For more information or a booking form, contact Philippa Berry at mail@philippaberryarts.com.

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